The Neuromodulation Society of UK & Ireland's Annual Scientific Meeting took place at King's College London, Strand Campus on 6-8 November 2015. We were delighted to welcome the German and Swiss Neuromodulation Societies for a joint congress in London. We were also pleased to host the Interventional Pain Medicine Special Interest Group of the British Pain Society for a satellite meeting.
- Thirty-Five Years of Neuromodulation
- Neuromodulation and Mechanisms of Action
- Neurostimulation for Phantom Limb Pain
- Burst and High Frequency Stimulation in Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
- Neuromodulation for Headache Disorders
- Sphenopalatine Ganglion Stimulation for Cluster Headache
- High Density Stimulation
- Imaging and Placebo
- Industry Research and Bias
- Spinal Cord Stimulation
- Peripheral Neuromodulation
- Intrathecal Drug Delivery
- Non-Invasive Stimulation
- Fibromyalgia and Emerging Treatments
- Wireless Stimulation
- NSUKI Research RASCAL Study
- New Start Up Neurostimulation Technologies
- Central Auditory Implants
- Deep Brain Stimulation for Pain
- Deep Brain Stimulation for Huntington’s Chorea
- Deep Brain Stimulation for Tourette’s Syndrome
- Deep Brain Stimulation under GA?
- Deep Brain Stimulation Electrode Placement
- Psychological Screening for Neuromodulation
- Immunotherapy & Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Anticoagulation Guidelines and Pain Interventions
- Neurolytic Blocks for Cancer Pain
- Precision Diagnosis of FBSS
- Sacroiliac Joint Radiofrequency
- Complications of Spinal Interventions
- Consent for Spinal Interventions
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Pelvic Girdle Pain
Venue: King's Building, King's College London Strand Campus, London WC2R 2LS, UK
DAY 1 (FRIDAY, 6.11.15, 13.00-18.30HRS)
To view the day one programme, Click Here
DAY 2 (SATURDAY, 7.11.15, 08.00-18.00HRS)
To view the day two programme, Click Here
DAY 3 (SUNDAY, 8.11.15, 08.00-13.00HRS)
To view the day three programme, Click Here
To view the free oral presentations programme, Click Here
To view the industry sponsored programme, Click Here
Prof Jan Vesper
President, German Neuromodulation Society
Head of Neuromodulation Centre
Dept. of Functional Neurosurgery and Stereotaxy

Prof Wilhelm Eisner
Vice-President, German Neuromodulation Society
Univ. Clinic for Neurosurgery
Medical center Anichstraße - MZA
Innsbruck, Austria
Dr Simon J. Thomson
Immediate Past-President, INS
Consultant in Pain Medicine & Neuromodulation
Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals
Cambridge University Hospitals
United Kingdom
Dr Christophe Perruchoud
President, Swiss Neuromodulation Society
Consultant in Pain Medicine & Anaesthesia
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management
Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte (EHC)
Morges, Switzerland
Mr Brian Simpson
Past-President, International Neuromodulation Society
Consultant Neurosurgeon (Retired)
University Hospital of Wales
Cardiff, Wales
United Kingdom
Dr Vivek Mehta
Chair, British Pain Society Headache SIG
Consultant in Pain Medicine & Honorary Senior Lecturer
Deputy Director, Pain and Anaesthesia Research Centre
St Bartholomew’s Hospital
London, United Kingdom
Dr Neil Collighan
Lead Consultant for Pain Services
Consultant in Pain Medicine
East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust
Canterbury, UK
Dr Kristiaan Deckers
Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
GZA Hospitals
Prof Katja Wiech
Pain & Mind
Nuffield Dept. of Clinical Neurosciences
(Nuffield Division Anaesthetics)
& FMRIB Centre
John Radcliffe Hospital
University of Oxford
Oxford UK
Consultant in Pain Medicine
The Walton Centre for Neurology and NeurosurgeryNHS Foundation Trust
Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Liverpool
Liverpool, UK
Prof Eric Buchser
Vice-President, Swiss Neuromodulation Society
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management
Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte (EHC)
Morges, Switzerland
Dr Stefan Schu
Senior Doctor - Neuromodulation
Specialist for Neurosurgery
ana Kliniken GmbH Duisburg
The Rehwiesen 9-11
47055 Duisburg
Dr Karen Simpson
Co-Author, Textbook of Spinal Interventions
Consultant in Pain Medicine
Leeds Teaching Hospitals
Leeds, UK
Dr Philipp J. Slotty
Department of Neurosurgery
Dr Nicholas Padfield
Consultant in Pain Medicine
Pain Management & Neuromodulation Centre
Guy's & St Thomas' Hospital
London, UK
Dr Adnan Al-Kaisy
Consultant in Pain Medicine & Clinical Lead
Pain Management & Neuromodulation Centre
Guy's & St Thomas' Hospital
London, UK
Ms Morag Brookes
Pain & Neuromodulation Research Nurse-Team Leader
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Middlesbrough, UK
Ms Miriam Walker
Nurse Specialist
Chronic Pain & Neuromodulation Service
Royal Victoria Infirmary
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Dr Jaroslaw Maciaczyk
Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf
Neurochirurgische Klinik
Düsseldorf, Germany
Dr Johannes Kuchta
Treasurer, German Neuromodulation Society
Consultant Neurosurgeon
Interdisciplinary Spine Center
Bonn, Germany
Crowne Plaza
London - The City
New Bridge Street, London EC4V 6DB
NSUKI ASM DINNER (07.11.15, 20.00hrs)
The Great Hall, North Wing
St Bartholomew's Hospital
W Smithfield, London EC1A 7BE